目前分類:量子醫學 (3)

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以下這篇文章是我之前在2006/08/01 發表的.

2006/08/01 01:43:48

drwang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在這邊稍微介紹一下量子檢測儀. 以下的文章似乎是網路上公認的中文版本, 總之只要蒐尋量子就會得到以下的資訊. 我稍微做了修正, 請大家先參考一下. 有機會再寫文章跟大家分享量子儀的臨床經驗.



drwang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()


                                                                Reprint from The Times newspaper (London)

Saturday 17th February, 2000

It may look like an instrument of torture, but the QXCI machine runs a scan through your whole body, looking for viruses, fungi and other problems.

Machine offers alternative to alternative medicine. An extraordinary diagnostic tool could change the way we look at

natural healing methods

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